Wake Up Your Brain With Peppermint Oil


Research shows that the effect of peppermint essential oil on cognitive performance may be precisely what you need for an overworked brain. Picture this: It's 3:00 pm, and you're at your desk trying to do work. However, your brain refuses to take in or put out any more information.

Sound familiar? This brain fog is actually a pretty normal physiological response to the natural dip that our metabolism takes during the late afternoon. Initial thoughts that run through your head are for sugar and caffeine.

These quick fixes will do the trick but set you up for an imminent drop in energy.

While a balanced diet can make a huge difference in this energy dip, it seems we have another ace in our corner. Peppermint oil aroma has been shown to have a positive effect on cognitive performance, improvement on tasks related to attention processes, and working memory(1)  In addition, oral administration of peppermint oil has been studied for it's effect on exercise performance (2).

The best part is that you can take a whiff of peppermint oil anytime of the day, anywhere. Running late for a 3:30 meeting? No time to grab that coffee? Open a bottle of peppermint oil and wake that brain up! Essential oils are sold at most health food stores, supplement stores, and of course, online. Keep a bottle in your car, at your desk, or in your bag, and enjoy!

Emily Ziedman1 Comment