Understanding The Doshas

The doshas are three different energies that run through your body. Every person was born with their own unique combination of these three energies, sometimes referred to as their constitution or “Prakriti.”

The three doshas are Vata (air and ether), Pitta (water and fire), and Kapha (earth and water). While we all have each of these doshas within us, one or two are typically more prominent than the others. 

These doshas perform essential functions in your body, but if your lifestyle goes off-track, they can easily become imbalanced. And of the three doshas, the ones most prominent in your constitutions are most likely to shift out of balance.

At the beginning of an imbalance, you may notice subtle symptoms. When you leave an imbalance untreated, however, it can progress into a disease state.

To balance your doshas, Ayurveda works with the concept of opposing forces. If there’s too much heat in the body, introduce something cooling. If there’s too much energy in your mind, introduce something grounding. 

Once your constitution is determined, and any imbalances identified, the system of Ayurveda provides tools to gently nudge you back into balance. 

The goal of balance, therefore, becomes attainable by uncovering your specific needs at this moment in time.